miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013

Jerash (Jordan): the Roman legacy in the Middle East

The Essence:

Located about 50 kms north of Amman, in the way of the highway leading to Syria, the city of Jerash or Gerasa can boast of containing the best Roman ruins in the Middle East.

If the characteristic color of Amman is white because of the local stone that shaped the city, Jerash is golden under the rays of the Jordanian sun.
Ideal for fans of classical architecture, it is necessary to spend almost a whole day to tour step by step and appreciate their buildings.
Each ruin of Jerash worth stopping at her and admire her. The vastness of the archaeological park invites you to discover and feel more Roman at every step:

Tip n° 1: The Arch of Adriano:
It may not be as famous as the Arc guarding the Colosseum in Rome, but not going back into greatness.
The Arc welcomes the traveler to enter after climbing a few stairs after leaving the Archaeological Park market.
Practically is the gateway to the Roman city. Built around the year 130 AD to commemorate the visit of the Roman Emperator Adriano to Jerash, was recently renovated and impressed by the height of the facade.

Tip n° 2: The Arena or Hippodrome:
It seems incredible but it remains in operation. Its facade that can be seen from the outside of the property and it is very similar to the Arena of Verona, has a space dedicated to the races Roman style. The walls of solid rock and carefully carved, are guiding the way for visitors and provides an insight into the city.

Tip n° 3: The Forum
It is one of the most beautiful and immense places of Jerash. The Forum has an oval shape and is framed by an impressive colonnade at to the best Greek style. The camera is not enough to cover it completely. Photographers recommend to visit the South of the City Theatre, where you can climb and go up through steps, to improve the take.

Tip n° 4: The Cardo Maximus
It was once the main shopping street of the city, on which stood the most important temples and Christian churches in its beginnigs.
It extends for several today modern blocks. The original footprint chariot can be seen and touched as it had not been 2000 years.
Remains of several buildings can be visited and admired, some of them present also amazing heights. The perfection on the construction, the alignment of the avenue and the elegance of acacia leaves carved capitals make it so attractive or even more than the very famous Abundance Street of Pompeii.

Tip n° 5: The Theatres
The city has two theaters: one near the Arena and left the Forum and another further north, smaller which is accessed once it finishes the way down the Cardo Maximus.
Both of them worth the visit. The smallest, the North, treasures in the main stage floor original pink marble and has incredible acoustic. You have to climb up the stairs to have a magnificent view of the Cardo Maximus, and the northern limits of the old city and new city of Jerash.
In the South Theatre, is common near noon to meet the Jordanian Guard with its classic khaki uniform and red scarves and white gingham, play some traditional songs of their country and the world.

Tips for travelers:
*In Jerash you have to walk a lot on the same Roman road that have stood over 2000 years; this means that in many sections you will find irregular stones. Sneakers or trekking shoes is advisable.
*When the sun is over Jerash you will feel heat and a lot: wear hats, sunglasses and always carry bottled water to fight the sun or heat stroke.
*Since Jerash is an archaeological site, it is possible to find many pieces on the floor at the side of the great attractions that are aimed at restoration. Respect them and above all, do not raise any stone. Jordan is a land of scorpions that can bother you the trip with some unexpected bite.
* to take advantage of shopping, the market located at the entrance of the park is a real challenge to bargaining: expensive and cheap stones, jewelry, key chains, pashminas, souvenirs, clothes and amazing typical embroidery, there is everything. It is a little great Arabic Bazaar with good things and not very expensive if you can negotiate.
*Jerash is also famous for the recreation of chariot racing Ben-Hur type in the Roman arena. There daytime functions that change the schedule according to the season. Very nice Roman Centurions can advise you about programs. They are located near the Arch of Adriano, to start the tour.

Eating in Jerash:
Since the visit to Jerash takes time, you can find a good idea to complete the walk and have lunch near the archaeological park. Less than 10 minutes from the city you can enjoy typical Jordanian dishes at Al Birktein Restaurant.
It is an attractive property with several rooms to accommodate tourists in small groups or larger, it is even possible to have lunch on the terraces and courtyards. The food is good and the garden which extends between one room to another, is an invitation to stay a while longer.

Information about my trip to Jerash:

Date: April 2012
Home Travel Agent: Marcos Tours - Urquiza 1363-(2146) San Genaro – Santa Fe – Argentina – tel: 54-3401-449400
Argentine Operator: Mahal Tour Operator. Tel: 54-341-4247350
Jordan Operator: Zaid Travel & Tours PO Box 5443 - Amman 11183. Telefax: 962-6-592-2305/ 962-6-462-5197 / 962-6-463-7827