martes, 16 de abril de 2013

Amman, the white capital of Jordan

City Essence and the must see:

I often think that there are cities that stand for something: its profile, its smells, its music, its colors. For instance, we can say that Cairo is pink because has emerged from the sand of the desert;  Amman, on the other hand, is white, since it has emerged from the rock itself of the hills near the city.

Amman, as legendary as few, can be traced to the Old Testament and boasts keep as few, this historic trail in the middle of your current city.

Built on hills facing each other, does not reach great heights in the building construction, however, houses do not exceed three floors, for example. Only the government and financial center boasts some tall buildings and major hotel chains, of course. Windy, populated but not extremely crowdy, the city is proud of its past and invites us to discover her.

Places you must see:

Ø The Amman Citadel: has a double interest. On one side, holds the ruins of Roman and Byzantine East Empires, and on the other, being nestled in the hills of the city, it is easy to appreciate the city in the last decades with whimsical construction in the different heights of the geography.. The Citadel custody what was once upont a time the Temple of Herculaneum and the hearing room with wooden roof rebuilt. Inside the Citadel is located also the Archaeological Museum. Do not expect the Cairo Museum, but please, visit it to appreciate some Roman pieces and particularly Islamic art.

 Ø The Blue Mosque: the biggest in Amman, named for its turquoise dome is located on one of the hills of the city, in a nice neighborhood, not too crowded. Although it is not very new, continues to be an attraction.
Ø Amman Amphitheater: on the opposite side where the Citadel is located (actually from there you can see it) and embedded in the lower town known as old Amman, lies this wonderful Roman, perfectly preserved and worthy to visit.  Of course, with a little exercise to climb the stone steps if you want to see the main stage perspective. If possible, schedule a visit to the amphitheater close to noon, just to make your stay matches with one of the calls to prayer of the Muslim faith. The acoustics of the amphitheater will get you the echo of the colorful voices coming from the minarets of mosques.
Ø Jewellery Museum and costumes: located on the right side and under the stands of the same amphitheater, I recommend visiting this museum: It shows Bedouin life, a culture just predecessor of the current Jordanian life, with its costumes, its furnishings, jewelry like agatha and other semiprecious stones. When I visited also presented a small gallery with an exhibition of the famous Jordanians mosaics. The mosaics are one of the most famous handcrafts of the country and its tradition goes back to times before Christ.

Traveler Tips:

-Clothing to visit a mosque: the requirements often vary, but if you're a woman, always wear a large scarf or pashmina in your bag to cover your head if you have a chance to enter it. Do not forget to wear stockings or socks as you will remove your shoes. Pants over the knees are not usually allowed inside the temple.

-Amman is usually windy, especially in the hill of the Citadel: the same shawl or one of the Jordanian scarves characteristic red and white gingham, will serve to protect you from the strong breeze. Use sunglasses to care for your eyes.

-Bring shoes with good tread as sneakers or hiking-type footwear. While the Citadel is well marked with paths to walk, there are sectors of the ancient ruins with many loose stones that can hinder you walking.

-In summer, do not forget to use sunscreen.

-Do not lift any stone as a souvenir. Beyond that alter the historical heritage in Jordan are scorpions. While not poisonous, their bites cause discomfort and is a setback on the journey.

Commercial information of my trip to Amman:

Date: April 2012
Home Travel agent: Marcos Tours - Urquiza 1363-(2146) San Genaro – Provincia de Santa Fe – Argentina – tel: 54-3401-449400
National travel agent: Mahal Tour Operator. Tel: 54-341-4247350
Jordan travel agent: Zaid Travel & Tours PO Box 5443 - Amman 11183. Telefax: 962-6-592-2305/ 962-6-462-5197 / 962-6-463-7827

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