jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

Dead Sea (Jordan): an unique landscape to enjoy a particulary sea

Its Essence:

The Dead Sea area belonging to Jordan is located about 4 hours north of the Gulf of Aqaba and a half and hour south of Amman.
It is an arid zone, plenty of hills and legends as well, such it happens all over  Jordan. These same hills are frecuently recognized as the birthplace of biblical cities Sodom and Gomorrah. The tradition even recognized in one of the rock formations of the hills to the very wife of Lot, God turned into a pillar of salt.
The truth is that the Dead Sea is one of the most striking and unique spots in the world.
The Dead Sea is 400 meters below sea level. It is 80 km long and has a width of 14 kms. It is flanked by mountains to the east and west by the hills of Jerusalem. The Jordan River flows here, as well as other tributaries. With no output for these streams, the waters evaporate, exposing the famous layers of salts and minerals, especially valued by the medical industry and health therapies.
The healing properties of the Dead Sea and its rejuvenating powers have been recognized since the time of Cleopatra, now available to the traveler arriving on its shores. It is said that the water, sun, mud and air are a source of excellent natural treatments for chronic or dermatological as psoriais, including treats arthritis and respiratory problems like asthma.
The Dead Sea waters focuses on a high amount of salt and other minerals, 10 times higher than any other sea. Each mineral can say that proves to be a specific treatment for each condition.
It is therefore a center of health and wellness tourism. The area is not very populated, except for luxury hotels. Almost all of the international chains have a presence here. Spa services, fitness and relaxation are offered, and this is a key factor to make irresistible your visit.

  What you cannot miss:

The purpose of the visit to the Dead Sea is the possibility of taking a mud bath and sea on its shores. Due to its properties, soothes, regenerates and stimulates the skin. Its waters are warm, making it a pleasure to stay floating in them. It is recommended not to stay more than 15 minutes because it can increase blood pressure.

Traveler Tips:
-Because of the rocks that floods its shores, it is advisable to enter the water with sandals of plastic;
-The consistency of the oily water. Not dry on skin readily. It is always advisable to take a shower after the bath to finish cleaning the skin;
-The water is ideal to float face up. Because the stones are scratchy, remember to not float face down to avoid injuries.
-Try not to get water in your eyes by high salt levels in the water;
-To extend the benefits of mud baths, are available processed pots and creams based on their minerals: their cost ranging from 15 dinars to 40, depending on weight (0.70 dinar = u $ s 1 to date Apr12)
-A few miles from the Dead Sea, visit Bethany Beyond the Jordan, where Christian tradition says that Christ was baptized by John the Baptist. From the visit of John Paul II in 2000, the site is considered as official place of Christian pilgrimage.
-Official website of the Dead Sea in Jordan:

What to buy:
Tips on what to buy:
-Dead Sea products: creams for the face, hands and body, shampoos, soaps, bath salts, the amount of minerals that provides the sea make their products unique in rejuvenating and detoxifying properties. You for all budgets: from 15 dinars to 40 for larger creams.
-coral-stone: it is representative of the Dead Sea. For those with a bigger budget, is an opportunity to take a souvenir genuine this area. From 50 onwards dinars
-outputs cotton bathrobes, slippers, swimwear: as all international center beach and relax, you can find clothing appropriate to the tastes of each or if you missed to add something to the luggage.

Where to stay:
I had the great opportunity to stay at a Marriott hotel. My opinion of this hotel along with the one from other travelers, as always, on Trip Advisor. This Marriot was among the hotels chosen by travelers in 2012.
My best advice: try to enjoy at least a couple of days at this resort. Amazing!!

Trip Advisor Link:

Information about my trip to Dead Sea
Date: April 2012
Home travel agent: Marcos Tours - Urquiza 1363-(2146) San Genaro – Provincia de Santa Fe – Argentina – tel: 54-3401-449400
National operator: Mahal Tour Operator. Tel: 54-341-4247350
Jordan Operator: Zaid Travel & Tours PO Box 5443 - Amman 11183. Telefax: 962-6-592-2305/ 962-6-462-5197 / 962-6-463-7827

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