jueves, 30 de enero de 2014

St. Petersburg: the wonder over the Neva River

The City Essence:

Saint Petersburg:  city of the Russian Zars, elegant, historic, welcomes visitors who become amazed with the buildings over the Neva River and the majestic palaces, the size of their blocks and the light colors of the front of their buildings.
All St. Petersburg is opulent but this seems to fit it well : the decoration of its facades, the golden domes, even the Baltic skies resemble paintbrush in the windy city sunset.

Useful information
To know: a block in St. Petersburg is not the same as in any other city . Walking through it, it is easy to see the extensive layout of the city. Called the " Venice of the North", because of the furrow canals that connect one neighborhood to each other and the main bridges that let you cross from side to side of the Neva River.
In summer , the best time of year to travel, there is daylight until about 9 pm and it wakes you very early, shortly after 6 o'clock.
The bridges over the Neva, all drawbridges, rising from 1 AM to 5 PM, thus , we must be sure about the side of town where you want to stay overnight.
The subway runs until 12 AM and retakes the course at 6 AM .
In September 2012 , the national currency had the following quote : 1 euro = 40 rubles .

Must to visit n°1: 
The Hermitage Museum

It is the reason for the visit to the city . Perhaps it is the most magnificent museum in the world.
Upon admission, the main staircase called "of honor"  or "Jordan" is something shocking and thankfully, all visitors must go through it to access the rooms of the palace.
Beyond the masterpieces of Art that the museum has, 2 Madonnas by Leonardo, some Murillo, Rembrandt 's last painting, Caravaggio and a good collection of Impressionists , you MUST WALK the halls .
They are a must for example, the Pavilion Room that leads to the private rooms of the Empress Catherine the Great and the Lodges of Rafael .
Inside the museum, books and DVDs are available for 5 euros. The gift shop is already more sophisticated: amber jewelry , prints , chiffon scarves and other memorabilia, will depend on the pocket of every traveler.
You can take pictures indoors without flash by paying a tax of 200 rubles. 
To enter to the museum you must leave coats in the closet and bottles of water are not allowed to drink. It is heated, but as the temperature can vary from one room to another, I advise you to bring a thermal shirt or a lightweight cardigan.
Downstairs there are several cafes and internet.

Must to visit n° 2: The Church 
of the Spilled Blood.

At first glance , the church seems to be a sister of St. Basil's Church in Moscow. More closely, we see that this one can compete in beauty with the symbol of the Russian capital.
It is known for being the site of the assassination of Tsar Alexander II in 1881.
Upon entering the church of Saint Petersburg, you will be amuse by the impressive height of the vaults and the best Byzantine style images that decorate walls with small and bright mosaics. Do not miss its Souvenir Shop : has the best icons, nesting dolls ("matrioskas") and souvenirs from the city.
The best view of the church is looking at it from the river channel beside the main entrance.

Must to visit n°3: St. Isaac's Cathedral

It is the newest of the Orthodox churches, despite having nothing much resemble Orthodox and Catholic churches. It has a ressemble of neoclassical St. Stephen in Budapest and have some air to St. Peter's Basilica.
The best masterpiece that you cannot miss is the altar with giant columns of malachite and lapizlasuli.
Souvenir shop: has the best wooden eggs with Russian iconography (about 60 euros). Jewels include high quality and beautiful replicas of Faberge eggs.
Entrance is 250 rubles and you can climb to the viewpoint of the church to appreciate good views of the city, but you have to climb 180 steps to enjoy it.

Must to visit n° 4: Fortress of 
St Peter & St Paul:

At the end of the island Vasiliesky, just in front of Hermitage Museum , lies this fort. At this spot, the city began its story and was built by Peter the Great.
It is easily distinguished by the pointed golden dome of the church.
The religious building is the house for many Russian Zars tombs, including the lastest Romanov. 
The wealth of materials and a beautiful light embellish the interior.
Excellent souvenir shop, but more expensive than in other city locations.
The garden invites for a long walk. It is relaxing and allows good photos.

Must to do n° 5: Tour by the Neva River

If you like to sail and enjoy water trips, you cannot miss it.
It's a good opportunity to photograph buildings from another perspective.
But you have to carry a heavy jacket with you. Even in summer you could feel cold because seats are mainly in the outdoor deck. The boat provides blankets especially when the tour navigates the main branch of the Neva, where the wind is important.
You may take some refreshment inside the vessels.
It is important to know that it is not possible to stand all the way of the tour because of the low height of the channel bridges .
Approximate cost of the tour: 35 euros.

Must to visit n°6 : Yusupov Palace

Famous for being the place where Rasputin was murdered .
The tour will let you visit the palace's basement where Rasputin was shoot after the poisoning attempt. It is really interesting because this visit is a look behind the scenes of the conspiracy and the history of the Yusupov family, one of the wealthiest in Russia at the end of XX century. 
Also the design and decoration of the residence on the upper floors is a must to see , and it is easy to recognize a note of mysticism within its walls.
You should leave your coat in the cloakroom and pay 150 rubles for the right to take pictures. They provide you with an adhesive ticket to show in each chamber you walk in. The music room is amazing as well some galleries that hold portraits and documentation of that time.
You cannot miss visiting the small theater of the palace, a scale replica of herself Scala in Milan.

Must to walk n°7: Nevsky Avenue

Leaving the Hermitage Plaza and diagonally to the river, you can find this Avenue, which is the wider and more beautiful in town.
By walking through it, you will be amazed with architectural jewels as well as international and top clothing brands, famous hotels chains, churches like Our Lady of Kazan, exchange at good rates and cafes to sit and rest a little while.
I recommend Cafe Singer , exactly opposite to Our Lady of Kazan, on the first floor of one of the most famous libraries of St. Petersburg, key in Russian literature. It has good prices, good patisserie, and good views.

Nearby St Petersburg: 
what to see n°1: Peterhof Palace.

Famous for its fountains and parks, this palace is a mix between Sans Soucci and Versailles, and has the most beautiful room mirrors throughout Russia.
You have to wear protective footwear over your shoes, leave your coat in the closet and refrain from taking pictures indoors. But forgot all this troubles, because it is an unique experience.
Outside, the extent of the parks reaches the Baltic Sea, and there is a reason for this location; since Peter the Great, was a passionate sailer, it was usual that he arrive to the palace from St Petersburg in their own boat .
At the entrance of the park, there is a small craft market at the best prices in town and you can push easily for a better price. 
You may get nice nesting dolls of 5 pieces from 250 rubles. The woolen shawls and pashminas with Russian flowers from 300 rubles up to 1700 rubles. Animal fur (hats, scarves, capes from 150 euros) There are cafes and public toilets for 20 rublos. Very near of Peterhof, at the town that surrounds the castle, another church of St Peter and St Paul is located; orthodox, traditional and beautiful.

Nearby St Petersburg: what to see n°2: 
Catherine Palace or Pushkin Palace.

The golden, white and turquoise front impresses with its size and was a source of fury when the Soviets entered his courtyard to assault in the russian revolution post czars. 
Today the rage is replaced by the amazing impression that causes to visitors. More baroque than Peterhof, this palace has jewels like the ballroom and the world famous "Amber Room", rebuilt just a few year ago.
It took several year to Russia to rescue the palace after the Nazis robbery and destruction. Today, all seems to be exactly as Catherine the Great always dream about it.
Before enter the Great Hall, you must leave coats, and to wear protective footwear over your shoes. Photos are allowed without flash, except Amber Room where no photos are allowed.
The souvenir shop on the ground floor is the most exclusive in St. Petersburg . There really precious souvenirs, but prices really high.

Tips about where to buy:

If there is no possibility to visit Peterhof and its market, the best option in town is visiting the souvenir shopping located in the area called Northway English pier.
Lots of choice with 2 floors and basement to find everything: nesting dolls , magnets , keychains , Faberge eggs, original and imitation fur, icons, amber pieces, fine jewelry, I mean, everything to bring a souvenir. You may paid in rubles, euros or dollars, and credit card, of course..

Tips about Entertainment:

I particularly recommend a folk show presented at the Palais Nikolayesky (4 sq Truda) at 18:30 pm, called "Feel Yourself Russian ". Review and some photos listed in my favorite site for travelers , Trip Advisor.

Tips about optional activities:

St. Petersburg offers a lot because there is a large variety of things to do. 
I leave some costs for mostly optional tours that can be hire during your stay in the city:
* Boat : 35 euros or 45 dollars
* Show Cossack folk : 55 euros or 65 dollars
* Yusupov Palace : 50 euros or 60 dollars
* Catherine Palace (Pushkin ) : 50 euros or 60 dollars.

Where to Stay:

I spent my time in the Sokos Hotel Vasiliesky . You can read my review on Trip Advisor, but it is in Spanish.

Other data:
I can recommend you my local guide during St Petersburg stay. Here is her name and the e-mail address: 
Alyona Tikhonravova. Mail: azurrita@rambler.ru