sábado, 20 de abril de 2013

Madaba & Wadi Rum (deep into Jordan)

The Essence:

Jordan offers other treasures besides Amman Citadel, the ruins of Jerash and the wonder of Petra. 
When you travel across its territory to reach other tourist sites, you may also discover a lot more history and amazing landscapes.
Keep in mind that Jordan is also the Holy Land and that it was made ​clear when late Pope John Paul II visited jordan land before entering Jerusalem, during the Holy Year of 2000. Thorugh jordan deserts walked Moises leading his people to the Promised Land, and Saint John the Bautist followed the course of the River Jordan in his journey as a prophet.
Crusaders, and more recently Franciscan monks, Arabs and British troops crossed this unique land and left their legacy. It's one more reason to keep learning from cultural and historical wealth that the country offers to the world.

What to see N° 1: Mount Nebo:
On the way to the town of Madaba, at the south of the capital Amman, and just 30 kms away from it, you can find a place of worship for both Christian and Jewish religions.
According to tradition, was indeed at Mount Nebo where Moses saw the Promised Land for the first time and where he found his final resting place.
Since ancient times early Christians built a church on top of the mountain, which has been guarded for centuries and protected by the order of the Franciscans.
The site gained notoriety when Pope John Paul II enunciated his sermon, which was attended by 20,000 people.
Once you entering a shaded path of olive and laurel trees mark the smooth way to the top. In the middle of this walk is a statue of the books of the Old and New Testament and was placed there as a reminder of the passage of the Holy Father and the Jubilee.
A few meters from the statue, there is a small garden where stands a large stone, which recalls that in this mountain, it is located the tomb of Moses.
Since the small Byzantine church of mountain is under repair, several unbelieveble jordan mosaics have been  taken from the original floors in order to be display in a small museum field, to appreciate one of the most famous Jordanian techniques: the decor through mosaics.
A small olive tree planted by John Paul II in 2000, is also visited by the faithful who come to the mountain and pray a little prayer for his memory.
Best of the visit is undoubtedly the huge terrace built under the iron cross of Christ interlaced with the staff of Moses, from this platform carved into the stone of the mountain, you get a breathtaking view of the Jordan Valley.
A plaque on the balcony of the terrace indicates the distances between points at Mount Nebo and  Holy Land. It is during clear evenings when it is possible to see Jerusalem lights and even those of Belem.

I would like to leave you transcribed the greetings that Pope John Paul pronounced during his visit:
"Here in the heights of Mount Nebo, I begin my Jubilee pilgrimage. I think of the great figure of Moses and the covenant that God made with him on Mount Sinai. Give thanks to God for the unspeakable gift of Jesus Christ, who sealed the covenant with his blood and brought to fulfillment the Law, he is "the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the Last, the beginning and the End" (Rev. 22: 13), I spend all the steps in this journey which I make through the Land which was his.
On this first day, I am particularly pleased to greet you, general minister father, and thank the magnificent witness given on this earth the sons of Saint Francis through the faithful service of the Custody in the holy places in the course of the centuries.
Also like to express my gratitude to the governor of Madaba and the mayor of the city. May the blessings of Almighty God be upon the people of this region. And let the peace of heaven fill the hearts of all those who accompany me along my pilgrimage. "

What to see N° 2: Madaba
Also known as the "City of Mosaics", is small, bustling, with houses that has only two floors, gilded by the color of the stone in which it originated, with winding streets and street markets full of colours.
The most important place to visit in Madaba, is the Greek Orthodox Church of St. George.
It treasures the famous sixth century mosaic depicting the map of Jerusalem and the Holy Land.

Many theories have surrounded the mythical conception of mosaic, many of them agreed that it is the first map or guide for travelers passing through the Holy Land, others say it is the representation of the view that Moses had when he first saw the Jordan area ...
The mosaic, which occupies almost the entire length of the floor of the church, contains 2 million pieces of mosaic, all of them of vivid colors and were made ​​from local stone. On the map it is possible to recognize  hills and valleys, villages and towns from the Jordan to the Nile Delta. Nowdays, the map only preserves a quarter of what it was originally but even still the mosaic covers most the entire floor of the church.
The present Church of St. George which protect the map was built in 1896, on the ruins of the original Byzantine church of the sixth century, and has other treasures and examples of mosaic art local: on the walls there are representations of the life of Jesus, Mary and numerous apostles and saints. It is a pleasure to walk slowly the church and appreciate these works.
On leaving the church, to the left, without leaving the garden and inside the same complex is an interpretation center of the map with explanations and history of its restoration. There is also a souvenir shop with very nice memories and impressions of the map to buy and remember.

Shopping Tips:
Whether near the St George Church or around town it is common to take tourists to visit the workshops that made the famous mosaics. I recommend it beyond the fact that you want to purchase one or not. Unlike the Romans, the Jordanian mosaics are assembled on canvas and can be carried and placed on almost any surface. It is more than a artcraft, it is an art itself.
Once you enter a factory, you are going to see that they are common themes in the representation of the mosaics. Probably you will find biblical images of sheep, fruit trees, the Christian fish and animals of that jordan area and obviously a map in scale of the Church of St. George.
They are really quality work but keep in mind they are considerably heavier when bringing in the bag or handbag. They are also highly appreciated the work of marquetry wood inlaid mother of pearl.
Another really impressive items sold are some kind of eggs covered by tiny mosaics depicting scenes or animals; because of the detailed work they carried on, their cost are higher than  u$s 300 each.
Factory are also specialized in furniture. If you live closer to Jordan than me and trust in your shipping service, please, have a look to the amazing chairs and tables; they are not a regular buy, they are indeed an investment for life.
For cheaper purchases, the streets of Madaba are a temptation especially for women. The Jordanian scarves and pashminas are mostly a good buy, then hats, shirts and some other local bijou made with local stones are the best buys to make and for which you can practice good old haggling.
In Madaba are a couple of family restaurants that you can visit and have lunch: pasta, chicken, vegetables, all very tasty and kind of mediterrenean style.

What to see N° 3: Wadi Rum
Located about 60 kms east of the city of Aqaba, on the southern part of the country, it is the largest desert valley of Jordan.
It is a unique landscape of red sand and rock formations that rise on the horizon making it an unique place in the world. Although the area has been inhabited since the earliest days of man as it is evidenced by the graffiti drawn on the walls of its rock formations, is an area almost beyond the reach of time and barely affected by human development.
In history, Wadi Rum will be always linked to the figure of TE Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) who participated in the 1917-1918 Arab Revolt. In his book, 7 Pillars of Wisdom, Lawrence praised their views and the spectacular color that sunsets shown in this wilderness.
For today tourist, it is the opportunity to enjoy a day of full adventure: usually it begins with a trip on 4 x 4 trucks or jeeps driven by locals pilots. The road is hard and the desert wind hits hard, but going into the red sea and remain amazed at the rock formations that are here and there is really priceless.
Part of the tour includes the possibility of entering a Bedouin nomad camp, inside the guide will explain habits and way of living of the Bedouins, you can also taste the Arabic coffee and appreciate the local dress and forms of embroidery that look in their clothes.
Another good option is to improvise an escalation on rock formations cracks near the camp as a way to admire primitive graffitis in the area. You can even practice sandsurfing on incredible red dunes.
In the visitor reception area, you can have lunch and rest: vegetables, chicken, french fries, and soft juicy oranges are grateful at the time to have a break and rest.
Tips dress: in Wadi it is always windy and sunny; you should always wear a hat and a scarf or shawl to protect the face. It is also advisable to watch our own dress when visiting the Bedouin camp, shorts or tops for women are seen as a lack of decorum and disrespectful attitude. If you were to do trekking through the gorges of the mountains of Wadi, do not forget trekking shoes line for such activity.


What to see N° 4: Aqaba
I was just a couple of hours in Aqaba, but what I saw, it's worthy. Located at the south end of Jordan, is at the same time, the northern side of the Red Sea. Precisely its location makes this city a port of exceptional importance for the country and the region.
The largest Arab flag in Jordan could be seen on the mast near the coast, perhaps as a sign of sovereignty against their neighbors; once you approaching the coast, it is easily to see why: on one side of Aqaba borders is Egypt;  on the other, Israel.
It is a city with arid hills that overlook the brightness sea and streets that have tropical palms in their boulevards. It also has a good airport shared with the State of Israel.
Many cruise ships anchored in the harbor and improved the landscape; there are also several boats that offer boat trips around the Gulf and a different look from the sea.
There are also famous ventures of international hotels under construction today, which ensures that Aqaba will be in the very near future, a good destination to consider.


Information about my trip to Jordan:
Date: April 2012
Home Travel Agent: Marcos Tours - Urquiza 1363-(2146) San Genaro – Santa Fe – Argentina – tel: 54-3401-449400
Nacional Travel Agent: Mahal Tour Operator. Tel: 54-341-4247350
Jordan Operator: Zaid Travel & Tours PO Box 5443 - Amman 11183. Telefax: 962-6-592-2305/ 962-6-462-5197 / 962-6-463-7827

jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

Dead Sea (Jordan): an unique landscape to enjoy a particulary sea

Its Essence:

The Dead Sea area belonging to Jordan is located about 4 hours north of the Gulf of Aqaba and a half and hour south of Amman.
It is an arid zone, plenty of hills and legends as well, such it happens all over  Jordan. These same hills are frecuently recognized as the birthplace of biblical cities Sodom and Gomorrah. The tradition even recognized in one of the rock formations of the hills to the very wife of Lot, God turned into a pillar of salt.
The truth is that the Dead Sea is one of the most striking and unique spots in the world.
The Dead Sea is 400 meters below sea level. It is 80 km long and has a width of 14 kms. It is flanked by mountains to the east and west by the hills of Jerusalem. The Jordan River flows here, as well as other tributaries. With no output for these streams, the waters evaporate, exposing the famous layers of salts and minerals, especially valued by the medical industry and health therapies.
The healing properties of the Dead Sea and its rejuvenating powers have been recognized since the time of Cleopatra, now available to the traveler arriving on its shores. It is said that the water, sun, mud and air are a source of excellent natural treatments for chronic or dermatological as psoriais, including treats arthritis and respiratory problems like asthma.
The Dead Sea waters focuses on a high amount of salt and other minerals, 10 times higher than any other sea. Each mineral can say that proves to be a specific treatment for each condition.
It is therefore a center of health and wellness tourism. The area is not very populated, except for luxury hotels. Almost all of the international chains have a presence here. Spa services, fitness and relaxation are offered, and this is a key factor to make irresistible your visit.

  What you cannot miss:

The purpose of the visit to the Dead Sea is the possibility of taking a mud bath and sea on its shores. Due to its properties, soothes, regenerates and stimulates the skin. Its waters are warm, making it a pleasure to stay floating in them. It is recommended not to stay more than 15 minutes because it can increase blood pressure.

Traveler Tips:
-Because of the rocks that floods its shores, it is advisable to enter the water with sandals of plastic;
-The consistency of the oily water. Not dry on skin readily. It is always advisable to take a shower after the bath to finish cleaning the skin;
-The water is ideal to float face up. Because the stones are scratchy, remember to not float face down to avoid injuries.
-Try not to get water in your eyes by high salt levels in the water;
-To extend the benefits of mud baths, are available processed pots and creams based on their minerals: their cost ranging from 15 dinars to 40, depending on weight (0.70 dinar = u $ s 1 to date Apr12)
-A few miles from the Dead Sea, visit Bethany Beyond the Jordan, where Christian tradition says that Christ was baptized by John the Baptist. From the visit of John Paul II in 2000, the site is considered as official place of Christian pilgrimage.
-Official website of the Dead Sea in Jordan:

What to buy:
Tips on what to buy:
-Dead Sea products: creams for the face, hands and body, shampoos, soaps, bath salts, the amount of minerals that provides the sea make their products unique in rejuvenating and detoxifying properties. You for all budgets: from 15 dinars to 40 for larger creams.
-coral-stone: it is representative of the Dead Sea. For those with a bigger budget, is an opportunity to take a souvenir genuine this area. From 50 onwards dinars
-outputs cotton bathrobes, slippers, swimwear: as all international center beach and relax, you can find clothing appropriate to the tastes of each or if you missed to add something to the luggage.

Where to stay:
I had the great opportunity to stay at a Marriott hotel. My opinion of this hotel along with the one from other travelers, as always, on Trip Advisor. This Marriot was among the hotels chosen by travelers in 2012.
My best advice: try to enjoy at least a couple of days at this resort. Amazing!!

Trip Advisor Link:

Information about my trip to Dead Sea
Date: April 2012
Home travel agent: Marcos Tours - Urquiza 1363-(2146) San Genaro – Provincia de Santa Fe – Argentina – tel: 54-3401-449400
National operator: Mahal Tour Operator. Tel: 54-341-4247350
Jordan Operator: Zaid Travel & Tours PO Box 5443 - Amman 11183. Telefax: 962-6-592-2305/ 962-6-462-5197 / 962-6-463-7827

miércoles, 17 de abril de 2013

Amman: people, food & shopping

The Jordanian people are friendly and helpful and appreciate tourist interest in his country and its history. They like to host on their land and that is reflecting in their treatment.
Muslim majority, the country is tolerant of other religions and the way to profess them. Here the women used to cover their hair, but is rarely seen absolutely black. By contrast, the thousand colors and designs of their scarves brighten the streets and even their costumes are bright colors and can be enriched with embroidery in gold.

Cultural Tips:
-If you're female, you'll notice right away that the Jordanian keep a respectful distance from you to speak (religion demands that they can touch only a woman of his family or his fiancée). This does not affect the good treatment and gallantry that usually provide to female tourists.
-If you are a man, do not be surprised to note that in contrast to the treatment expressed out to women, men are affectionate in their greeting everyday.

As for meals, the table has an abundant arabic entrance: hummus, eggplant puree, vegetables marinated in oil, vinegar and spices are their specialties.
For main course, the chicken in small portions, sea fish in various sauces, cuts of lamb and beef eventually shredded and cooked with vegetables are the most common options. Rice, boiled potatoes and yams are usual complements, although they may be seasoned with a lot of cumin. The pig is not allowed, nor ham in all its versions, and that because Islam prevents them to eat an animal considered impure.
Tea, alone or with mint and obviously thick and strong coffee of the region accompanies every meal and even any stop along the way of the traveler.
The desserts deserve a separate paragraph: Turkish cuisine is famous for the use of puff pastry and pastry cream, all of Jordan is no exception. Baklava, little nests puff, mini cheese cakes, a lot of chocolate over fruits or ready for improvising an even richer sweet; everything is a temptation. The simplest sponge cakes tend to be very wet in syrup and may have some fruit compote on top as termination.
If there is any dessert prepared, the Jordanian will offer, especially at noon, a selection of fruit that are specific to the season: watermelon, orange, apple, banana are the most common in spring.

Tasting Tips:
-Appetizers: try the hummus spread on unleavened bread.
-Condiments: always ask first if they are included in the food, if you are like me regarding tastes, since I try to avoid eating spicy flavors. Waiters gladly show you which dishes can be strong abroad palate and which not.
-Desserts: they prepare the phyllo pastry as few in Arabia. Do not miss it.
-Tea: in hot, desert people do not remove their thirst for cold drinks, on the other hand, drinking hot tea or water with lemon short tempers thirst and body. Try it you too.
-Drinks: don't be surprise if there is not beer or wine. Alcohol is also prohibited by religion and in several spots, despite receiving and tourists occidental style, do not have to offer them to you. Fruit juice, mint and of course mineral water, are widely offered.
-Restaurant: I recommend asking for "Don Quichotte" or Tawaheen Al - Hawa. You can see my opinion and many more on TripAdvisor:



What to buy:
Jordan people likes to sell and the game of haggling. One of the best works or crafts are mosaics, then the classic multicolored Turkish lamps are beautiful as well, blue pottery and pieces of wood and mother of pearl inlay are also highly recommended.
But Jordan is also home of semiprecious stones such as turquoise, lapis lazuli, malachite and coral. Throughout the country you will be surprised with refined or crude creations made with these wonderful stones.
In April 2012, a denarius was a little more expensive than the dollar: 0.70 dinar = 1 dollar. Currently the euro has a very fluctuating price and may not agree to the change. While making payments, the deniers and the dollars run almost at par, the euro is often not accepted everywhere.

Tips on what to buy:
-Dead Sea products: creams for the face, hands and body, shampoos, soaps, bath salts, the amount of minerals that provides the sea make their products unique rejuvenating and detoxifying because of the properties they have. There are for every budget: from five dinars to 40 for larger creams.
-pashminas: they come in all kinds and colors. Cost is at a range between 5 and 8 dinars.
-bracelets and rings: it is usually to weigh the piece in question, if it contains any silver work. Here prices can vary greatly. If you like, haggle and get a budget in mind to fight price purchase. Depending on the labor and material, you can be in a range between 25 to 200 dinars.
-dates and sweets at the airport in Amman: you will find the largest variety and best presentations if you want to take them as a present. Between 15 and 40 dinars as very expensive.
-bazaar recommend:  visiting "Noumani Bazzar". There is everything for every budget. Address: 191 Al - Madeena Manaware. They page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Noumani-Bazzar/128925697176705


Where to stay:

I had the great opportunity to stay at a Marriott in my visit to Amman.
You can find my hotel critic along with other from collegue travelers, as always, on Trip Advisor.
Hotel official website:

Official Website of Amman in Spanish:

Amman trip details:
Travel date: April 2012
Home travel Agent: Marcos Tours - Urquiza 1363 - (2146) San Genaro - Santa Fe Province - Argentina - tel: 54-3401-449400
National Operator: Mahal Tour Operator. Tel: 54-341-4247350
Jordan Operator: Zaid Travel & Tours PO Box 5443 - 11183 Amman. Fax: 962-6-592-2305 / 962-6-462-5197 / 962-6-463-7827